Focus on industry trends

Study on industrial wastewater treatment process

In recent years, with the development of industry, the amount of wastewater has been increased. In order to avoid industrial wastewater polluting the environment, the industrial wastewater should be e···


Application of centrifuge in heavy aromatic separation

1. Problems in the separation of heavy aromatic at present Heavy aromatic is the industrial product of coal gasification. It is a kind of crude gas product with complex components produced by coa···


Application of centrifuge in asbestos wastewater treatment

1. Source of asbestos wastewater A large amount of asbestos will be consumed in the diaphragm electrolysis process of caustic soda. As a diaphragm, these asbestos are used in the cathode net of t···


Mechanical dewatering of papermaking sludge

There will be a large number of sludge produced in papermaking sewage process, if the sludge is not properly treated, it will cause secondary pollution. In order to treat and utilize the sludge econom···


Application of microbial flocculants in sludge dewatering

Flocculants play a very important role in the process of sludge dewatering, the flocculants are used to quickly separate the floating small particles in the sewage. However, in terms of the current us···


Application of screw dehydrator in petrochemical industry

1. Overview of petrochemical sludge 1.1 Source of petrochemical sludge Petrochemical sludge refers to the oily solid waste produced in the process of petroleum exploitation, transportation, ···


Application of separator and centrifuge in bioengineering

Disc separator and horizontal decanter centrifuge are both high-speed centrifugal machines. They are used for the separation of liquid-solid, liquid-liquid, liquid-solid-liquid materials by the inerti···


Overview of hydrolysis acidification process

In many wastewater treatment processes, the hydrolysis acidification process has been playing an important role in the pretreatment. Hydrolysis refers to the degradation process of macromolecular···


Application of sludge dewatering system in Waterworks

In the process of transforming the water resources into tap water, a lot of sewage will be produced in waterworks. The application of sludge dewatering system, not only can effectively improve the wat···


Selection of flocculants in the operation of dehydrator

In the process of sewage and sludge disposed by the screw dehydrator, it is necessary to add some flocculants to achieve good effect. In order to choose the appropriate flocculants, the following four···
