Disc Separator

Disc Separator

Product FeaturesDisc separator is a kind of mechanical equipment for continuous separation of two kinds of liquid or solid-liquid suspensions with density difference by centrifugal sedimentation principle. It has the advantages such as high speed, smooth operation, closed import and export system, l

Product Features

Disc separator is a kind of mechanical equipment for continuous separation of two kinds of liquid or solid-liquid suspensions with density difference by centrifugal sedimentation principle. It has the advantages such as high speed, smooth operation, closed import and export system, low noise and good separation effect.

All the parts of the separator contacted with the materials are made of stainless steel, which meets the requirements of food hygiene.


The separator is mainly composed of import and export device, drum, vertical shaft, transverse shaft, fuselage, speed measuring device, brake device and motor. The centripetal pump structure is adopted for discharging material, after separation, the material is discharged by the centripetal pump, the output pressure is high (0-0.5 MPa), which can be directly transported to downstream equipment. Its drum has been accurately checked for dynamic balance, centrifugal friction clutch and large helical gear pair are used to transmit power in power transmission. The separator has the advantages of stable growth, avoiding overload, small vibration, safety and reliability, simple operation and convenient use. The bearings used in the separator all adopt Swedish SKF brand to ensure the operation accuracy of the equipment. If the separator is equipped with PLC electronic control system, the program operation can be realized.


Operating Principle


When the turbid liquid was fed into the high-speed rotating drum, it enters the disc stack along the channel, under the strong centrifugal force, the multi-components with different densities form three dynamic concentric rings: a small amount of solid particles with the greatest density move outward and accumulate on the wall of the drum to form the outermost layer; the denser heavy phase liquid is thrown onto the lower surface of the disc and slides down out of the disc area to form an intermediate layer; the denser light phase liquid moves toward the center of the drum to form the innermost layer. Then, the three components are discharged from the drum by their respective channels.


Vegetable Oil, Animal Oil Industry


Product Overview


With the continuous improvement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to the quality of edible oil. The quality of oil mainly depends on refining method and the quality of crude oil. In order to improve the quality of oil, Huacheng Baoyi separator provides a variety of solutions for different oils.


Application Fields


Vegetable oils: soybean oil, colza oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, palm oil, corn oil, peanut oil, rice bran oil, sesame oil, safflower oil, etc.


Animal oils: lard, butter, fish oil, pig blood, chicken blood, etc.


Dairy Industry


Product Overview


With the rapid development of dairy industry and the continuous improvement of people's living standards in recent years, the safety of milk and dairy products has been paid more and more attention. People give increased emphasis on drinking safe milk and eating safe dairy products. Huacheng Baoyi separator is designed specially to make sure that the dairy products soft and fine in the whole separation process, and ensure the quality of dairy products.


Application Fields


Cold milk separation, hot milk separation, hot milk degreasing, cheese concentration, sheep milk degreasing, bovine colostrum extraction, casein production.


Food and Drinks Industry


Product Overview


Various fruits and vegetables are pressed to obtain the initial juice. The initial juice contains a lot of turbid substances, which affect the concentration and the final quality of fruit juice and vegetable juice. Therefore, the fresh juice needs to be purified. Huacheng Baoyi separator is mainly aimed at the solid impurities and suspended matter in fruit juice and vegetable juice, clarifies and purifies fruit juice and vegetable juice to be more transparent and clear.


In the production process of wine, fruit wine, medicinal liquor production, mechanical clarification and separation is an indispensable and important technique. Huacheng Baoyi separator can separate the extreme tiny (as less than 1μm) solid particles highly dispersed in suspension from the liquid phase.

Application Fields


General fruits and vegetables: apple juice, orange juice, grape juice, lemon juice, tomato juice, carrot juice, lycopene, etc.


Vegetables: cucumber, spinach, celery, onion, garlic, lettuce, etc.


Tropical fruits: mango, pineapple, passionflower, guava, papaya, etc.


Alcohol drinks: wine, fruit wine, beer, medicinal wine, etc.


Plant Extraction Industry


Product Overview


Plant extract is a kind of product formed by taking plants as raw material, according to the need of the final product, relying on physical and chemical extraction and separation, directional acquisition and concentration of one or more active ingredients in plants without changing the structure of their active ingredients. Mechanical centrifugal separation is one of the most important processes in the separation, concentration and clarification of Chinese herbal and natural plant extracts. According to the features of the final product, it can be divided into oil, extract, powder and lens, etc. Huacheng Baoyi separator is pollution-free, widely applicable, low cost and simple to operate, it is widely used in the extraction process of natural products such as polysaccharides, polyphenols, flavonoids, glycosides, terpenes, volatile oils, alkaloids.


Application Fields


Pigment, pepper, tea, loquat leaf, honeysuckle, shuanghuanglian, ginkgo leaf, salvia miltiorrhiza, radix isatidis, rutin, momordica grosvenori, rhein, amygdalin, Chinese medicine extraction, etc.

Biopharmaceutical Industry


In the biopharmaceutical industry, mechanical separation is an important process in the production of biopharmaceutical technique. The use of centrifugal separation plays a decisive role in the quality of the final product, the economy of the process and the coexistence of the environmental. The clean, aseptic and closed production conditions put forward a higher requirement for the separator. Huacheng Baoyi separator can completely meets the requirements of separation equipment in various pharmaceutical production, the parts in contact with the materials are made of high-quality corrosion-resistant stainless steel, which meets the requirements of food hygiene.


Application Fields


Concentration of the microorganisms.


Separation of the extract (penicillin, Escherichia coli, antibiotics, hormones, etc).


Extraction of vitamins.


Concentration and clarification of fermentation broth.


Separation of animal blood.


Chemical Industry


Product Overview


Due to the particularity of the chemical industry,it is a big challenge for the separator when it works with concentrated acid, concentrated alkali, high temperature, flammable and explosive and strength wear. According to the features of different chemical products. Huacheng Baoyi customizes each equipment to ensure the optimization of separation effect and the safety of use to meet the needs of customers.


Application Fields


PVC, phosphoric acid, hydrogen peroxide, herbicide, insecticide, viscose, catalysts, latex (synthetic), inks and dyes, lubricant additives, cellulose and derivatives, boiler ash, etc.


Mineral Oil Industry


Huacheng Baoyi mineral oil separator is mainly used for oil purification and clarification of ships or land power stations and oil regeneration treatment, to remove water, mechanical impurities and some harmful substances, which can reduce the wear of diesel engine and prolong the service life of the machine.In addition, it is also suitable for the clarification and purification of waste oil, cutting fluid and quenching oil, etc.


Application Fields


Waste oil, cutting fluid, quenching fluid, fuel oil, lubricating oil, mixture of oil, water and solid substances, etc.

Biodiesel Industry


Product Overview


As a strategic emerging energy industry, biodiesel is the reborn fuel and excellent substitute of petroleum diesel, it is made by ester exchange process in disc separator which raw material bases on plant oil crops, wild plants and engineering microalgae type aquatic plants fats as well as animal fats, food waste oil, etc.


Huacheng Baoyi separator has the advantages such as small occupation area, low energy consumption, high separation accuracy, large output, low cost, simple operation and maintenance.


Application Fields


Methyl washing, glycerol desalination, extraction of fatty acid, separation of methyl ester, glycerin, catalyst and methanol.


Kitchen Waste Industry

Product Overview


Kitchen waste, also called as swill, including leftovers and food residues. Its composition is complex, and it is an important part of organic waste in municipal solid waste. It has the characteristics as follows: high water content, high oil content, high salt content, perishable, easy to breed harmful substances such as parasites, parasite ovum, pathogenic microorganisms and molds. If the kitchen waste is not treated professionally, it will cause pollution to the environment. At the same time, the existence of gutter oil will also cause serious harm to people’s physical and mental health. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the kitchen waste innocuously and resourcefully.


The separation of oil and water is an important part in the process of kitchen waste treatment. As various kinds of oil mixed in the kitchen waste, it is difficult to be separated. So the best separation effect can be achieved by the combination of the horizontal decanter centrifuge and the disc separator.

Application Fields


Animal skeleton viscera, vegetable stalks and leaves, fruit shells and skins, leftovers and gutter oil, etc.
